
Day 28

“You must unlearn what you have learned.” — Yoda, Star Wars

We’re in the larger second-floor studio, and it’s filling up big time. I’m way in the back. In the center, the teacher is in loose khaki pants and a long-sleeve T-shirt. He speaks quietly, yet his voice carries deep into the room.

Become thick. Inside the thickness, let go. Don’t block energy.”

I’m not sure how to do that, but like the rest of the room, I move with the cue.

A guy standing directly in front of the teacher holds his two arms straight out his sides. Dead flesh. As stiff and immobile as a scarecrow.


The teacher says to him, “Let go of your arms.”

He’s frozen.


He does not hear.


He remains rigid. 

I want to reach out to him. I want to say to him, “Dude, stick with it.” I feel for him.

What am I saying?

I am him.

We’re the same dude separated by 28 days.

Run fast, but feel you have all the time in the world.”

Makes no logical sense, yet I see the teacher do it. I do it too. I am Luke Skywalker running through the jungles of Dagoba. Yoda in my backpack.

Maximum effort requires maximum letting go.”

Maybe I’ve been doing it all wrong with all the effort and planning. It was useful for getting me to where I wanted to be. But maybe it won’t take me to where I need to be.

For where I need to be might be… a surprise.

Like crash-landing an X-wing on Dagoba.

Or Tel Aviv.


Day 27


Day 29