Day 20
“Stupid gravity.” — Homer Simpson, The Simpsons
I’ve always hated getting on the ground. Maybe because being on the ground was never a good thing. It meant I was tackled, taken down, or wiped out.
But here, teachers LOVE getting on the ground. They ADORE it. They EMBRACE it.
I’m trying… really I am...
“Get to the floor. In ten… nine… eight… “
Slowly, everyone… the young and not so young… the mobile and not so mobile… we all find our way to the ground.
“Now up. In ten… nine… eight…”
I feel the burn as my body slowly pulls itself away from the ground.
“Now get down in THREE! TWO! ONE!”
As the count quickens, we all have fear to overcome. Around me, I hear the thud of people hitting the ground.
Falling on purpose is radical.
My body wants to resist. I tell it we’ll be alright… as long as we don’t fight it.
“Now fall down in... ONE!”
More thuds, but I’m too focused on my own safety to look around. What are the not-so-young folks doing? I guess they’re falling at whatever speed their body allows.
“Now fall up!”
I spring off the ground. No time to think how “falling up” makes no sense.
“Fall down!”
It’s chaotic, thrilling, and a bit insane.
Is this what a dancer feels when they launch themselves into the air to be caught by their partner?
I’m doing the same.
Except my partner is the ground.
And for the first time, I trust it to catch me.