
Day 14

I feel like an archeologist, and these classes are an excavation. I get a hunch, dig, and if I find something interesting, I take out the finer brushes.

What am I unearthing?

My limitations.

“Let’s move.”

We shift our weight back and forth. Left to right. Right to left.

Already, I can feel the burn.

Glue your feet to the floor.”

When I move side to side, I feel my weight go into the bone of each heel.

Now, unglue your feet. Roll to the outside edge. Keep shifting weight.”

When I roll over to my left, I almost fall over!

What is that?

Is it rock, artifact, or treasure?

I dust it off to see what I’ve found.

Now, put one foot in front of you. Keep shifting weight.”

I’ve unearthed an ancient soreness in my left hip. It’s been buried a long time. An old Tae Kwon Do injury from when I was seventeen. I guess it never healed properly.

How long have I been avoiding this old hurt?

What other things I am I unconsciously navigating around?

If I keep digging, what else will I discover?

Only one way to find out.


Day 13


Day 15